Monday, March 28, 2011

Why can't we all get along?

I get really tired of hearing comments about Christians. Recently heard one that basically called Christians, terrorist because we believe in Hell. Another one that stated that any Christian couldn't be intellectual and easily fooled by slight of hand tricks. 
Never in my wildest dreams would I attack someone based solely on what they believe. It wouldn't even cross my brain to call them dumb or a terrorist. But it is okay in our society to make such judgments on people. I know its not just Christians that are picked on, it just happens to be the group I am associated with.  All the Christians I know would never hurt a fly and happen to be rather smart people in my opinion. In fact lets look at charity type organizations, how many are of a Christian basis? TOO MANY!! So these so called Terrorist, sure have a funny way of spreading their hatred and killing innocent people. 
Calling a Christian a terrorist is one of the most offensive things I have heard in a long time. I guess because of 9/11 that word has a meaning that makes it quite offensive but still to say that just because I believe in a place called Hell is unreal.  Apparently since we Christians do not want to see anyone go to Hell, we are terrorist for spreading fear about Hell. I don't know about you but I am not spreading fear but rather spreading God's love for them so that they will not end up there. The people I share my faith with are people I care deeply enough about because I love them enough not to want to see them suffer but to spend eternity with me in heaven. 
God never intended for one single person to end up in Hell. "Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS"  (Matthew 25:41).   

  It is NOT God’s will that anyone should perish in their sins and go to Hell... “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long suffering to us-ward, NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, but that ALL should come to REPENTANCE” (2nd Peter 3:9).    
Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.(Matthew 18:14)
Why will people go to Hell? Because they allowed Satan to bring them with him to the lake of fire that God prepared for Satan and his angels!
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8)
Satan is angry with God and knows God loves His creation and he will do anything for us to suffer with him cause he knows it will hurt God to have to send anyone to Hell. 

Funny that we don't call people who believe in capital punishment a terrorist. Isn't that killing too? But I guess it is easier to pick on someone who loves someone enough to make sure they don't end up in hell.


  1. One aspect of terrorism has been defined as "use of threats of violence for the purpose of creating fear in order to achieve a religious goal". I think this was the context of your concern about terrorism. It is hard to disagree with the definition I think.

    In this context I suppose it was a bit provocative of Christopher Hitchens to summarise the Christian message as "Believe this or burn for eternity!" But some churches really do still teach this message though, and that is scary!

    I completely agree with you that intelligence is not linked at all to belief. I might have a slight view that the more famous intelligent people with faith tend toward deism rather than theism, but cannot support that with evidence.

    Trying not to offend further!

  2. With the definition you have given to us, what is the goal achieved by Christians who tell of people going to Hell? Is it to save people from doom? And I still don't see how that is terrorism? What buildings has that set on fire, how many people have been bombed because of a christian sharing about hell? How many terrorist acts do you hear it being proclaimed, This is all about Hell!! Give me a break!!!
    You have a choice whether to believe in Hell or not. You don't have to listen to anyone tell you that you will go to Hell if you don't believe in God. I really doubt you will see someone strap a bomb to their body and go in to a store and say, Believe in God or you are all going to be blown up and go to Hell.
    I still find it offensive to be lumped in with a group of people that take pride in killing.
    Maybe its the Atheist that are the terrorist. I have never met a group of people more fixated on proving the Bible and God wrong than Atheist. Why do you care so much about something that doesn't exist and is such nonsense? Maybe its you(speaking you in general) that will show up ready to shoot everyone in a church because they believe in God? That happens in America a lot!!
    I don't believe in aliens but you don't see me going around talking about it and trying to prove that they don't exist? Going to seminars and research diligently to disprove it to those that believe.
    Well, I ruffled my feathers enough. This is something that really has offended me to the core. I have been called a lot of things because I believe in God but this one really hurts! To think you want to group me in with the people responsible for 9/11 is unthinkable.
