Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tax dollars at work.

How many men does it take to screw on a lid to a sewer line? Well, if you live in the city of New Tampa, apparently it takes six! Yep, you heard me right 6 people. On our way home tonight from dinner with my husband's family, we drove through New Tampa, and we saw 6 men, one actually screwing on the lid, one man holding a flashlight for him and the other 4, standing with their hands in their pockets watching the one man work.
Folks, that is your great tax dollars at work. Six men paid to do the work of one. Oh okay, fine, the guy with the flashlight was sort of working but that could be debatable.
And people wonder why our economy is suffering. 

1 comment:

  1. Its like that in the UK too. How many does it take to change fluorescent light tubes? Six too! One to do the job, one to hand him the tube, two scaffolders (when a step ladder would do fine) and two to supervise. Tax pounds wasted!
