Monday, March 14, 2011

At His feet

There is a song by Casting Crowns that I love. It is called At His Feet.  It is a powerful song! In the chorus it says Jesus, Jesus, At your feet, there is no where else for me.  That is exactly how I feel, at His feet, is where I want to be. I want to bask in His love at His feet. I want to lay down my life, my dreams, my all at His feet. When you are so close to Jesus, to sit at His feet, there is nothing like it in the world. Words can not express it.
This song has a very special meaning to me. The first time I heard it I cried cause I understood from a wordly view and a christian view what this meant. To submit yourself so deeply to something that you crave that intimacy and the feeling you get when you give your all over to it, the surface peace you feel, the contentment you feel when you have given yourself over to it, I have experience that in the world and Jesus doesn't compare!  The peace you get when you sit at the feet of things from the world, at first feels fulfilling and satisfying but the longer you sit the more you realize just how empty that peace is.  So many in the world, sit at the feet of something or someone. Most will not admit it but if they look deep enough they will find something in life that they give their all to, be it work, family, friends, money, a hobby, something drives them, something pushes them and if you ask them most of them would have to admit that they would give up most things in life for this one thing.
As a christian, that thing for me is Jesus! I give him my life, my hopes and my dreams because He has done so much for me. It would take me forever and a day to tell of all the things He has done for me. And everyday He does more for me. The peace I find when I sit at His feet is unlike any peace I thought I had when I was sitting at the feet of other things. It is a peace that goes beyond how you feel, it is a peace that you have that when all of life seems to be falling apart around you and you think what else will go wrong, His peace is there to comfort you and you can sit in the midst of the life storm and know that it doesn't matter what happens because in the end, He will take care of you.
This is something people who don't know Him can not understand. They think I am crazy when I talk about having a peace and joy that is unspeakable. I have a few friends that would argue with me that my peace is superficial and self given. That's fine let them think that, I know whom I have believed in and I know what I have. No one will ever convince me otherwise! But I love to debate it!!
If you are searching for that fulfilling peace, joy and contentment, try Jesus! I guarantee it is nothing like the peace the world gives you.
Take a moment and listen to this beautiful song.
At His Feet by Casting Crowns


  1. I am sure your inner peace is much more than 'superficial' even if it is a little self-given and I am so pleased for you. Truly pleased. Of course we all have to find our own ways to peace and this is a better way than many others. You would probably say that when I used to be a Christian I never truly found God or Jesus, and the fact that I now feel much greater peace without Jesus is in itself superficial. How can I argue?

    I can assure you though that the world is a beautiful place without any gods. I strongly recommend that you consider the relief of escaping from Christianity. If you have never tried it you cannot comprehend the satisfaction of freedom from religion. You would be free of all that guilt that is forced upon you by all Christian churches due to Adam and Eve scrumping an apple. (That's perhaps an English word! Sorry.)

    The church wants to control your very thoughts. Thought crimes tend not to be illegal outside a religious context. I could go on - you say you like to debate - but out of politeness will stop here (for now at least).

  2. I did know this world without any gods and while I live that life I thought I knew peace. The world does give a peace, not denying that but the peace it givesis usually tied to something like work or money or family.

    I have no guilt that is given to me by a church. My religion doesn't come from a church it comes from God. The church doesn't make the "rules". Some think they do and they have people following them but the churches that do that are offering a false peace just like the world. No church will "save" you. You can only become a true christian by accepting God's son as a sacrifice for your sins. Confessing your sins to a priest or just going to church will not save you. Just because you sit on a church pew every Sunday and try to live a moral life will not get you into heaven. You could do everything that is taught to you from a church and you will not be a true christian and your peace you will have will be a false peace.
    No one controls my thoughts. I am my own person. Just because I use the label of Christian does not mean that I have to believe or do what ever some one says behind a pulpit. Any "christian" that just accepts what is said from behind a pulpit as truth is being deceived. We should be studying to find out the truth for ourselves! I am not saying that anything a man says from the pulpit isn't true, just that we should seek out the truth for ourselves and not just take their word on it. The Bible tells us to study to show ourselves approved.
    I am afraid you have a miss perception of religion and church.(I don't like the word religion to be honest) I pray that you find the truth and find a true peace through Christ because the false peace that you have now that you are "free of religion" will only last for so long before it starts to fade away. And I speak from experience on that! Then you will be left with a void but knowing you, you will put up a facade of peace so know one will know. And when you have you void, remember my words of where to find true peace. It is in Jesus, not a church or religion or any other Gods, but only through him.

  3. Spoken like a true protestant - and well said. Of course the various churches have widely varying doctrines.

    I'm not quite sure that I would be good at a facade of peace though. I'm pretty much 'what you see is what you get' really, perhaps rather like you. I like that.

    Not much more that's worth saying today, but hope you won't mind me making a link from my Something Surprising blog. I have a terrible joke to tell! :)

  4. Sure you can make a link but hope the joke isn't about me. :)
    And yes churches do have widely varying doctrines but you have to get away from churches and beliefs, you need to search your own truths. I am sure your response will be, that is what I have done and why I am free of religion but your freedom comes from the fact you were buying into exactly what the church said and not what the Bible said for itself. But we can discuss that another day. :)

  5. Of course the joke is not about you but about peace. Should be there in 10 minutes or so at

    Meanwhile of course I might have touched on what the bible says for itself previously. One example -possibly too simplistic but then I feel simplisitc. ( should work with luck - or should I say providence?)
