Friday, April 15, 2011


Music is something that really ministers to me. There are times when I get more from a service from the music than I do a sermon. During the week, in my car or at home, I love to have music playing. The older I get the more I have become stuck on listening to just praise and worship type music. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy other types of music and I will occasionally listen to other types but there is something about praise and worship that I just love.
I find that some Christians feel that they can only worship God while at church that they can't  be at home or in their car and worship God. There is something to be said of just singing a praise song to God while you are alone.
An explanation I once heard was that, “Worship is the individual adoration of God.” It’s you and God, wherever you are, whatever you are doing.

There is a song I have found that kind of sums up how I feel about worshiping God. All the wonderful bands and orchestras that churches have are beautiful and I love hearing them. I love hearing a good Choir sing, I have a great choir I direct at my church but there is something to be said of worshiping Him alone.

This song is called Alone by Clint Brown.
Lyrics are:
You don’t need majestic choirs
With awesome voices raised
You don’t need a congregation
To offer Me your praise
You don’t need a mighty orchestra to bless Me with your song
You get all of My attention when you worship me alone.

When He is not worshiped alone, He is not worshiped~ Augustine. What a powerful statement. Do you worship Him alone? What are you dependent on to enter into worship? Do you create an atmosphere of worship in your home for your children to see? We need to instill a lifelong desire and passion within our children to worship God, alone, without us next to them, without a congregation surrounding them. How do we do that? By setting an example. Worshiping God where ever you may be and what ever you are doing. Not just at church but at home, at work, in the car, where ever you are.

“From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise…” Psalm 8:2

"I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth." Psalm 34:1

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